Sorry there is no picture today but we did accomplish quite a bit. After a battle with Sage. She was pushing my buttons today but I got her into the stall and a can of oats. Don't know what got into her. Bob was afraid she was going to hurt me but I never was. This rearing up is a little (well
a lot actually) frightening. Usually though when she has a tantrum like that and I win, the next time is not a problem. We will see tomorrow. I know one thing, we need to work more on manners.
And today for real we got a halter on Emma. Have not said much about her. The last time we had one on her she got it right off. She went down to
Shannon's for a couple of weeks but she had little more success than we did. We put her next door and he has an 8' tall chute. This morning she walked in the chute and Bob rubbed her and talked to her and just put it on. All this fussing with her and that was so easy. She leads well. Bob will bring her home tomorrow. We enlarged her pen a little.
Haugen and Cash are in their new pens too. Did not hear from Angela today if the guy over there wants Cash or not nor did we hear from the people who thought they wanted
Haugen. All the
BLM is charging is a 25.00 replacement fee.
And Cameron came out after work and worked with Liberty for a while. He wants her and she really loves him. Just need to work together. She and Sage ate the same silly sauce this morning.
I have to leave on Thursday to the Washington State Horsemen Convention in
Ellensburg. I was pretty well packed so neatly and had to dig in it to look for something I thought I had packed so now I get to start all over. Bob will be home here. Then I think our traveling is over for the winter. I always enjoy the convention.
We are refinancing and they are coming to do another appraisal. I hate having them traipsing all over. Its a good thing for us to do though. Bob has to go renew his drivers license tomorrow too. He is going to go to Davenport to do it. No lines there. Its only open one day a week for a few hours. Its worth it to wait though.
So, that was my day - BLESSINGS