No pictures today. Had our Mustang Club meeting this early evening in our backyard in the midst of 45 mph winds, dust and smoke. Not what I had envisioned but.........we had a good time. We talked about next years Mustang Days and I think we will be doing about the same thing. Lots of things we can be collecting over the winter to be ready. Prize/award things. I have a list if anyone wants to donate something to us.
We did schedule a ride at
Heyburn State Park on September 11
th. Hope that it is well attended. Everyone is invited. Foot in the stirrup at 10.00 AM.
Heyburn is down near St.
Maries, Idaho.
The wind was so awful I did not do much with Sage nor Bob with Emma. He talked to Emma and I showed off how sweet Sage is by going in and rubbing her neck and bouncing around beside her.
Tomorrow I am taking Issac to his mother at Crescent Bar on the Columbia River this side of
Wenatchee. He is looking
forward to seeing his mama.
My list goes on -
260 Delete Buttons
261 Flip Flops
262 Promises Kept
263 Gathering of friends
264 photos of family
265 soft fluffy bath towels
266 Accurate weather forecasting
267 Grandpa taking grandsons fishing
268 filing cabinets
269 Greeting cards
270My own set of towels
271 First ripe
tomato272 Contact Paper
273 Rope Reins
274 Fresh
mangoes275 Fresh Pineapple
276 Grapes