Sunday, January 31, 2010
Sunday "S" Goodby January
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Forward, Not foreword
A TEXTURE of a Friday
Thursday, January 28, 2010
A GREEN Thursday
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Remember only five more days to comment here on the blog to have an entry for the give away. The candle and candle holder are really cute. At least I think so. I love cardinals.
Monday, January 25, 2010
WILD Monday
Sunday, January 24, 2010
MOVEMENT on Sunday
Papa Great having a good time with Liliana his big sister. She loves her Papa Great. Me, not so much but she does love him.
She wanted to come see the horses and this is how we had to leave her. Complete with a cowboy hat and shoes. She probably would not have gotten any further than the car but she thought she wanted to come with us. I felt so sad, almost cried with her.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Cats, cats, I have lots of cats.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Children -Thinking Thursday
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The BIRDS have flown.
Monday, January 18, 2010
PINK PINK What do you think
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Give Away
One foot, two FEET
It warmed up some today. I think it was 50 but it didn't feel like that because the wind was blowing so hard. It is supposed to die down tonight but it was nasty today.
The horses were happy to get in their clean stalls this evening. Wrangler was mad at them for getting to in. I wished I had something to throw at him. First he ran Ditto around and around and then Amelia. He was just plain aggrevated about it all. Don't know what got into him.
Have a great Y Saturday.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
HAIR and Thursday
Tomorrow's word is FEET. I can guarantee that it won't be her feet.
The stalls are all clean but very scarcely bedded. We must find bedding tomorrow. I sure want shavings but they seem to be very hard to find if you can find them at all. Straw should not be so difficult. The Exchange came out today and Bob will start calling tomorrow. A friend in Reardan was supposed to call but Bob hasn't heard so my guess is he didn't find any either. I am feeling so bad for all our animals. Oliver is on a little island and seems happy but the rest are in muck.
Hope this dries up soon, we have calves due in about a month. I wanted later spring babies but that didn't happen so in the mud they will be. At least not in a snow storm like Henry was born last year.
Have a good Friday, its a long weekend. I will like that.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
We are WALKing to.....................
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Black and White
Monday, January 11, 2010
My eyes are watching you
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Curves, that was the word today
Tomorrow the word is EYES which is my favorite thing to photograph. Hope you have fun with it.
Nikki went home today and that is always sad. The little boys were kind of glad to be going home I think. Maybe just because they were tired. I gave Lane a paperback book I had picked up at a yard sale - Where The Red Fern Grows - to read on the way home. He reads every thing he can get his hands on. That is a classic for sure. I have read it many times. I love it, his mother reads that way and I certainly do. I will have to keep my eyes open at Thrift stores and in the spring yard sales for books for him to read.
I had to go buy some groceries this evening. I can get through the store pretty quickly. In and out that is my motto. We should not have to go for a few weeks again except for milk.
The horses are all fine. Slipping and sliding around and mostly just standing in their shelter because it isn't icy in there. They are all so fat and fuzzy. I want to ride though. Makes me sad when I can't even get the horse out without sliding around. The arena is a giant rink and the round pen is too.
I have permission to adopt a horse at Colorfest in Burns IF I can find a black and white pinto mare between 3 and 6. They will deliver. Whoopee. Nikki will help me pick. And I am going to help where ever I can with the adoption. Can't wait. Sort of makes up for Bob wigging out on me and not being able to go. LOL And I promise I did not plan it. When I saw the pictures and showed them to him, he said, even before I asked, yes you can. Does that make sense at my age, no, does that matter to me, no again. I am excited.
Have a mahhhvelus Monday. I plan on it.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
White was the word of the day
The word for tomorrow is CURVES.
This ice is about to get us down. Nikki fell yesterday against her car and probably has a purple hip and Bob fell flat on his back twice today. He is not moving around so well this afternoon. The first time I did not think too much of it but the second time he really hurt his back. He took some ibuprofen so he should feel a little better. Now its supposed to rain all this next week and with the ground frozen the water will have no place to go. We will need a boat to get around.
I worry about the horses trying to walk around on this ice. They all need ice skates. Now with more water I am not sure what we will do. Maybe put them back next door. I don't know. It is supposed to be warmer but not warm enough to thaw the ground.
I found out last Thursday that Bob can not go to Burns in February. I was so upset but decided I would go along, then had this wonderful idea and it seems to be working out. Nikki is going to go with me. I will go to Marysville on Wednesday and we will go to Burns on Thursday. She will help drive. We will have fun I know. She loves horses and dreams of a day when she can have a mustang of her own. Now isn't the time but she will have fun with me. We will go to her place on Sunday and I will come home on Monday. We have wanted to do a trip together and this will do it for now. Probably will eliminate going to Albany is March is I am going to Mississippi in May.
Things work out like they are supposed to.
Have a Sunny Sunday.
Friday, January 8, 2010
On your mark, get set ACTION
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The word for tomorrow is ACTION. I will be glad to see what you come up with.
Nikki and little boys are here so will say adieu for today.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
A very cold day. I had just put the horses out and went to check on the donkeys. Everything that was wet yesterday is now ice. I was inching along and the next thing I knew I was on the ground. I landed on my hip and my first thought was OMG I have broken my hip. But the good news is all I hurt was my hand. Have 2 fingers a little puffy. I was lucky. My hip isn't even sore. I am a pretty sturdy old dame.
Nikki and her little boys are coming tomorrow so they can see Nathaniel. Nikki can not stand it until she gets to see him and snuggle him. They went home this afternoon. I know Heather will rest better in her own bed. I wonder how Lili is reacting to being a big sister. 2 year olds do not share their parents very well.
Hope your Thursday is blessed.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Thankful Tuesday
Monday, January 4, 2010
Girls. On Monday
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Brought by the letter M for Mountain
The word for tomorrow is TECHNOLOGY. How my mind came up with that word is puzzling me this evening. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I don't even have a clue at this point. Good luck to Andrea at Mustang Saga, Anita at Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails, and Nikki at Life with Boys. They are the ones I know. If you read my blog and are doing it let us know so we can look at your pictures.
Pet some noses this morning. I thought about mud but it is so depressing to me. Its horrid. Katie and Cameron came out today and pet the horses. Liberty let Cameron pet her nose and rub her neck. I told him he was elected to work with her then. She is particular who lays a hand on her. She tolerates Katie too so she has a project. Abby was glad to see her person. I must clean stalls but tomorrow is church and then we are going to go over to Lake Couer D'Alene to see the eagles. I want to use my new lens so we can see them better. All that is contingent upon Heather not having the baby tonight.
Have a great Sunday. Whatever, I intend to.