Thursday, June 27, 2013

I don't know what happened yesterday.  I could not get the picture smaller no matter what I did.  I don't know if its blogger or my computer.  Anyway, it was what it was.

Just a short word - Bob had his surgery today and is doing well.  Day surgery is certainly in and out.  He is in some pain but nothing like he expected.  Partly due to better living with pharmaceuticals.  Good neighbors are helping with the chores.  I can handle it all but the pigs.  5 gallon buckets of goat milk are heavy.  Bless Shannan and Ron. 

That was my day.  Sage came up when I was feeding Ditto and Rosie and wanted some attention. I petted and loved on her and gave her a treat.  That made me feel really good. 

Blessings to you all.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Can not get a picture to load so a few words about where we have been and I hope at some point to be able to load the pictures.

Our oldest daughter turned 50 last Saturday and her husband and friend planned a large birthday party for her.  She is so beautiful and I don't believe she thinks that.  Love her so much and we went to help her celebrate.  It does not seem like 50 years have gone by and they placed that precious little bundle into my arms.  She was very small and utterly beautiful.  After two boys she was an answer to my prayers.  She was a special baby, never gave us a moment of worry.  She walked early (8 months 4 days) and talked early and was totally potty trained by 20 months old.  She has been the light of my life since she was born until now.  She was a second mama to our two younger children.  I knew she would be a good mother and have a large family and she does.  6 boys and 1 stepson, 1 daughter in law and 3 sweet grandchildren.  She got her girls that way, 2 of them.  Not that Nathaniel is not darling too.  I wanted to tell her how special she was to me this weekend but did not have a moment alone with her.  Lord bless her and keep her and speak to her in Your still small voice how beautiful and talented she is.

I am in a quandary.  I need to make some decisions about Sage.  I love her so much and she loves me.  However, I am not as spry as I was and she may be too much for me.  I am praying and wondering and crying and praying and wondering, etc.

I got my large suitcase down today to start packing.  I leave home in 16 days for Nikki's, my sister comes the next Friday, and Saturday the 13th. we venture on our cruise.  Honestly I am a little scared.  Have never done anything like that.  How do I act, how do I dress, every question anyone has asked, I am asking my self.  How will I know what to do when we get to the place where the ship is, I am feeling a little nervous about it all.   I am just a country girl.  Lord help me.

What a goofy blog this is.  Sorry.



Tuesday, June 18, 2013

For some reason this is the only picture that loaded and I am too tired to fight with a computer tonight.  He is a sweet little guy.  Today he and mama went to a pasture for the day.  He stuck pretty close to his mother.  Her last baby tore around when we let them out the first time.  Not Chico.  He never left Rosie's side.

We went on out ride but I did not get to ride Sage.  She was being so naughty I was afraid.  I rode Raven and Bob walked with Sage for a time.  I have to get over this fear.  Lord help me.

If the thunder and lightening would let up I could go to sleep.  Bob is snoring away and here I sit cringing every time the lightening flashes.  The rain will be very good for the crops though.  Especially the grain farmers.  They needed the water.  I hope it is falling where it is needed.  Our pastures will be drinking it up in big gulps.

I had a perm today but am wondering if I am happy with it or not.  Maybe tomorrow I will know.  LOL

Blessings and good night,


Thursday, June 13, 2013

 Chico's little white nose..  It is so cute.  I kiss it but he does not like that so much.
 Five days old here.  He kind of was down on his hind pasterns at first but today he is walking upright.  That is a relief.  I couldn't remember if our other babies had done that or not.
See the swirls on his forehead.  I will be wondering if the circles will stay or go away as he gets older.  He is a cutie for sure.

I am going to post directions to our Mustang Ride tomorrow AM here as well as on Face book.  Can't remember the entire name of the place but it is Saltese something or other.  Going east on I90, take the Barker Rd. exit, Left on Sprauge to Henry Rd..  I think that only turns one direction.  Go 1 to 2 miles to the trail head .  There is a pit toilet and a gravel parking lot that will accommodate a lot of trailers.  From Idaho get off the freeway at the Liberty Lake exit, left back over the freeway to  E. Country Vista Dr.  2nd. light, about 1 mile to Henry Rd., turn L.  Hope you can make it.

I am hoping to ride Sage.  We will see.  There has to be a first time and last summer I did ride her on trails so I should not be so leery.



Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Our youngest grandson Isaac.  He is so photogenic.  I love to take pictures of him. 
Rosie and Chico.  This is the picture I posted on Face book so have seen it and some have not. I will take new pictures of him today.  He is a little character.  He does not like being caught nor does he like his halter but we put it on him during the day.  He has the tiniest little feet.

I went out a while ago to take some pictures of a really huge Sand hill Crane sitting in out pasture.  Sage followed me with her nose practically on my shoulder.  I haltered her and put her in a pen up by the round pen so when I go out to work with her she will be close by.  I love it when she attaches herself to me like that.

Friday we have a Mustang Club and anyone else who wants to come, ride at Signal point.  11:00 at the trail head..  I need directions so I will find them and post them tomorrow.



Tuesday, June 11, 2013

 Last Thursday I just had to ride Sage and I did.  she was really awesome.  I was so proud of her.  It felt so good to be on her back again. 
And here is Chico.  He is 3 days old in this picture.  Just taking a rest.  He was born Friday morning some time.  Rosie was just standing there at about midnight apparently sleeping but at 5 he was here, dry and bouncing around.  He is a sweetie but feisty.  I wanted a girl with spots, but got a solid colored boy.  He is sweet though and very very cute.

We had a good weekend, will be posting more pictures during the week.  Saw my 97 year old uncle on Saturday.  He is as lippy as always.  Love the old guy a lot.  He was my dads baby brother.

Better gt my day rolling along here.  You know how it is when you have been away a few days.



Tuesday, June 4, 2013

 Two horses a goat and Katie.  Abby and Pepper saying hello and Raspberry wanting to be a part of it.  These are more pictures from my files. 
 Sheya waling down the Lane with Ditto and Rosie.  She is my horse crazy granddaughter.  As soon as school is out I am going to see if she wants to come stay with me for a while.

Tyler and Pepper up on Marie Creek I think.  He loved Pepper and he was a pretty good rider.  I really did love the time he was here with us and miss him.  Even if he was a pain to get up in the morning.  Love you Tyler.

I worked Sage really hard this afternoon.  I would have ridden if Bob had been home.  She did everything I asked of her today.  I have a little obstacle course set up in the round pen and she just takes it all in stride.  I love her so much. 

Posting the picture of Star yesterday made me sad.  I miss her too.  But then, I would not have Sage.  Star was a good girl and took me all over the mountains until he legs gave out.  When we had them exrayed it made me sick to see how I had ridden her and how awful they were.  I didn't know.................

The horse I love so much on the Internet adoption is up to almost $1500.00.  A good thing I have Sage.  I could not afford that.  She is drop dead gorgeous though. 

It was a beautiful day.  A friend brought me some tomato plants.  They are all heritage tomatoes.  One is purple but called black.  Also a cantaloupe plant and a pepper plant.  I really did not plant a garden this year but will have oodles of tomatoes for sure.  I had bought two.  It is a good thing we like tomatoes.

Please keep Jimmy in your prayers.  He had surgery today and is not doing very well.  It is so hard on his family.



Monday, June 3, 2013

 These are all older pictures.  Just did not have new ones today.  It is hard to take pictures when no one is around when you are working a horse.

This is Chemmy and Yuma playing.  They are so rough some times I worry about them.

  This picture is me riding Star.  I really loved her.  She had bad legs.  She was not even able to live as a pasture pet.  We had to put her down.  I did not think I would ever want another horse.  But then I got Sage.  She was not as large as Sage but was a wonderful trail horse.
This is me on Glory.  She was a good show horse, not worth very much else.  She had been in a show barn and didn't understand the way our horses live. I sold her to a little girl in Oregon that rode her as a walk trot horse and did wonderful on her.  I was not too sorry to have her go.  We never clicked.  My equitation in the picture is bad.  My legs are too far foreword.

Sage and I had a good workout.  No one around to help me get the saddle up on her so I did not ride.  She got a good workout though.  She really does want to please.

Prayers are needed for my grand nephew Jimmy.  He is in Vanderbilt hospital in Nashville and will undergo surgery tomorrow.  He has CP and a multitude of other things and has a pump to help with the spactisity (spelling?).  He is very fragile and this is not a good thing at all.  I think he is 10 or will be this fall. 

Trying to get the top of my quilt done. Have 2 1/2 rows to finish and I can start with the edges.  I am ready to be working on another one.  I have the squares cut out for the next one.  Maybe I will start it soon.  I do want to finish the one I have worked so long on though.

The weather was nice today.  I do so enjoy spring days like this one.



Sunday, June 2, 2013

Maybe some of you remember last year remember me posting the picture of a new born Topper.  She was a cute little calf. This is her now all grown up.  She is a friendly young cow.  She will be having Her first calf next March.  She is one we are keeping.

Bobs dog Pistol digging out a gopher.  She was clear to her shoulders down in the hole.  I don't know if she got it or night.  I didn't see her eating it anyway.

I was determined to ride Sage today but we had such a downpour and more is predicted that I did not do it.  I am so anxious to get to riding again.  Just too long a period of time not to be. 

Its a good book and a blanket kind of day.  Church was very good today.  Our pastor was sick so his associate pastor spoke.  Nathan always brings something to encourage us usually in a humorous way.

I am reading "Nineteen Minutes" by Jody Picoult.  Its heart wrenching but good story.  I gave up posting the books I have read because I made a mistake and when I tried to fix it, they all went away.  Nobody probably read the list anyway.  I liked being able to see.  Maybe next year.

My stomach says its time to eat.  I most likely need to go to the store.  That does not appeal to me but may be necessary.



Saturday, June 1, 2013

Our grandson Seth celebrating turning l4.  He is so tall and is growing up.  A good boy.  He was kind of laughing because I had caught him with his mouth full eating whatever was in his hand.  Love you Seth.  Hope your year is wonderful.
Sweet Justin wondering why he is in jail.  He is a character and much loved by everyone.

I had another picture but evidently it did not come over here.  Oh well there is always tomorrow. 

Got a lot done today.  Katie fixed my printer.  It needed to reboot and I figured that but didn't know how to do it.  She is tall enough she could reach around the back and did not have to crawl under the computer table like I would have. 

If any one looks at the BLM Online Adoption site, I am really tempted by a chocolate palomino mare in Litchfield, CA.  She is absolutely gorgeous.  If I was not 75 and did not have Sage then I would be bidding on her I know.  I am not the only one liking her though.  She is going for more money than I could spend.  There is a pinto either in Burns or Litchfield that is up to $1480.00.  He is gorgeous too.  I always watch their online sales.  It fun even though I know I am done buying mustangs.  I would bring them all home if I could.

